During massage therapy, the massage therapist works the tension out of stiff and sore muscles, encouraging their patient to relax.
Physical Benefits
During massage therapy, the massage therapist works the tension out of stiff and sore muscles, encouraging their patient to relax. This may help the person receiving the massage on many levels: his muscles feel relaxed and are no longer sore, he is relaxed and no longer tense, and the muscles loosen, allowing a larger range of motion.
A study performed on university dance students demonstrated that the dancers had improved in range of motion, mood, balance, posture, and performed better.
Emotional Relief
As certain muscles are massaged, emotions may be released. The kneading motions combined with heat and or aromatherapy cause a person to relax, releasing tension. Stress and tension is often rubbed away with any aches or pains in the body.
Studies performed by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami indicated that the immune systems improved in children who were massaged daily by their parents; the children's white blood cell and neutrophil counts increased. Therapeutic massage is used as a treatment for many illnesses and during the recovery period after surgery.
Scientists believe that this deep, healing massage triggers the release of certain chemicals in the body that helps you combat illnesses and speeds recovery.