Don't Shy.........
Some of life's most profound moments can only be realized from a touch, such as...
Soft as a Whisper ~ awakens the woman within
.................. ......... .Yoni Massage

Yoni Massage : Best way to rejuvate your energy.
It helps to recover from Past Trauma
A yoni massage integrates seamlessly into your Soft As A Whisper massage, so there is no need to feel nervous or shy. The body is beautiful, each and every inch thirsts for the same attention. You will feel it as a natural part of the massage and in so doing, your body and your mind will be melded ever so beautifully together bringing your entire being pure relaxation and ecstasy.
Yoni massage is intended to release depression, stress, emotions, trauma, blockages, or negative energy of any kind. Yoni massage cures all muscles and tissues in the body that hold memories, emotions, and trauma causing blockages. We provide a Yoni massage at your doorstep.
The goal of the Yoni massage is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal can be as simple as to pleasure and massage the Yoni. From this perspective the receiver can relax, and do not have to worry about achieving any particular goal. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. It is also helpful for the giver to not expect anything in return, but simply allow the receiver to enjoy the massage and to relax into herself.
Yoni, iterally meaning "sacred space or temple". In Tantra, the vagina is the worshipped sacred part of the female body, which must be treated with care and respect. The Yoni massage is a sensuous form of bodywork that can build trust between the giver and receiver as well as connect the receiver to their inner sensual nature resulting in a feeling of complete well-being, satisfaction, and contentment.
Although the Yoni massage can be extremely stimulating, the purpose is not to bring the woman to orgasm. Rather, it is to relax the receiver and to bring emotions to the surface so that she is free to express her natural, powerful, orgasmic nature. The experiences and feelings that a woman may have during the Yoni massage can be very different, ranging from anger, lust, sadness, or even indifference. Everything is possible and everything is allowed. The Yoni massage is not about focusing on a special kind of feeling or fulfilling a particular expectation. The idea is simply to witness the receiver and to honor and respect her feminine nature as a divine Goddess.
Usually Breast Enhancement Massage is a course of 10(ten) Sessions. Per session in 3(three) days. And a simple Breast enhancement training is given which you are advised to perform twice in each day.
Benefits of Yoni Massage
- You feel longer to indulge in sexual pleasure
- You'll discover how to manage your orgasm
- You will get greater pleasure from stroking the clit, g-spot, and a-spot than from sex
- Increases the flow of blood to your genitalia
- Enhances lubrication and prolongs moisture retention.
- It prolongs your arousal and relieves sex-related stress.
- Alleviate irregular menstruation (not supported by science).
- Eliminates trauma. And this has a lot of benefits.